The service provider as per § 5 TMG is the partnership Pichler Finke Michelsburg.

Pichler Finke Michelsburg partnership is registered in the partnerships register of Charlottenburg under the number PR 888 B.

The company’s registered office is located:
Schlüterstraße 45
10707 Berlin
Telephone: + 49 (0)30 680 77 90 – 20
Telefax: + 49 (0)30 680 77 90 – 99

VAT ID number: DE292182562
VAT no.: 13/471/00609

The professional titles were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany to all the attorneys and notaries presented on our website.

The relevant supervisory authority of the notaries of the partnership Pichler Finke Michelsburg as per § 92 BNotO is the President of the Berlin State Court (Landgericht), the President of the Berlin Court of Appeal (Kammergericht) and the Senate Administration (Senatsverwaltung) for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-discrimination.

Attorneys and notaries of the partnership Pichler Finke Michelsburg
The attorneys and notaries belong to the following chambers according to the type of their activities:

Chamber of Lawyers Berlin
Littenstraße 9, 10179 Berlin
Telephone + 49 (0)30 306 931-0, Telefax + 49 (0)30 306 931-99

Chamber of Notaries Public Berlin
Littenstraße 10, 10179 Berlin
Telephone + 49 (0)30 24 62 90-0, Telefax + 49 (0)30 24 62 90-25

The following professional obligations and fee regulations are applicable for attorneys and notaries of the partnership Pichler Finke Michelsburg:

1. For attorneys:

  • BRAO – Federal Lawyers’ Act
  • BORA – the Specialist Lawyers’ Regulations
  • BORA – the Specialist Lawyers’ Regulations
  • RVG – the Lawyers’ Compensation Act

2. For notaries:

  • BNotO
  • BeurkG
  • directives of NotKn
  • DONot
  • GNotKG
  • Europ. Standeskodex

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